Rules and Expectations of the NSISP

The signed NSISP agreement contains the program's rules. My parents and I signed these terms when enrolling in the program. Breaking the terms could result in the termination of my program. 

  • While in Canada, I am always under the jurisdiction of national, provincial, and local laws. I will obey all laws and refrain from illegal activity (shoplifting, stealing, harming others, misusing technology, etc.).

  • I will not possess, purchase, or consume alcohol, cannabis, or use illegal drugs while enrolled in the Nova Scotia International Student Program (NSISP).

  • I will obey the rules of my homestay and will make every effort to adjust to and become a member of the family and community. This includes any curfews, chores, and other rules they have established.
  • I will obey the rules of the school I attend. These rules include but are not limited to attendance, active participation in classroom work, and adhering to the standards for personal technology use as outlined in the NSISP student handbook. I agree to take part in extracurricular activities.

  • I will make every effort to speak English at all times.

  • I will not drive motorized vehicles except within the context of a formal driver’s training program. Driver’s training may be taken only with my parents' written permission, and I will allow the NSISP to hold my driver’s license until I return to my home country.

  • Travel within the Maritimes (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island)—I understand that, with the acknowledgment of my host family and consent of my custodian while in Canada, I can travel throughout the Maritimes with them, a student group, or another family.

  • Travel outside of the Maritimes — I understand I require approval from the NSISP to travel outside the Maritimes. Travel outside the Maritimes must be chaperoned by a responsible adult (minimum age of 25) and requires my family's written approval in English. I will also advise the NSISP at least two weeks before the departure of my plans to travel. I understand that my program fees cover my monthly room, board, medical, and tuition charges. Some schools charge all their students an additional fee for such items as lockers, school agendas, etc. It is my responsibility to pay these fees.

  • I understand visits by my family or friends from my home country are permitted no sooner than six weeks after my arrival in Nova Scotia. If my family or friends visit, they are responsible for making arrangements for their lodging outside my host family's home.

  • I recognize I will make a full academic effort. As a student in the NSISP, any report about my participation(marks, behavior, etc.) can be sent to my parents and/or agent (if applicable).

  • I confirm that the information provided in this application is complete and factual, including any medical or dietary conditions relevant to my participation in the NSISP.

  • I consent to the use of my personal information for (a) applying to the NSISP, (b) processing of my application, and (c) if I am accepted into the NSISP, use of my information by the Nova Scotia Regional Center for Education/Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial and school where I will attend classes, as well as my host family.

  • I understand that while enrolled in the NSISP, a custodian will be assigned to me. The custodian can make decisions (e.g., medical) on my behalf and will always use fair and reasonable judgment.

  • I understand personal identifying information about me, including, but not limited to, name, grade, school, video/voice/ audio recording, and images (photos). My work may be used in print publications, online, and in social media (including but not limited to Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram) for promotional purposes by the Nova Scotia International Student Program and my respective Regional Center for Education/Conseil Scolaire Acadien provincial.

  • I can participate in newspaper/print publications and radio and television media interviews. This permission may extend beyond my participation in the program and may be withdrawn by me or my parent with written notice.

  • I understand I should limit communication with my natural family and friends in my home country. This will help me enjoy a full cultural experience and stay engaged with the group. Upon arrival at the NSISP, I can contact my family, but communication is recommended to be limited to once a week.

  • I understand that once I am enrolled as an NSISP student, I will remain in the NSISP for the duration of my secondary school studies. I cannot return to the Program and live alone or with a friend. 

Program Termination

The NSISP reserves the right to terminate your participation for violation of program participation terms and/or when mental and/or physical health, as determined solely by the NSISP, is in jeopardy.

If a student’s education or homestay needs are greater than disclosed in the application process or change during the student’s stay in the program, the NSISP has the right to terminate participation in the program and send the student home at their own expense. 

Breaking the NSISP Rules and Expectations

The NSISP has a three-stage process for managing behavioral discipline issues.

Note: you may automatically be placed in Stage 2 or 3 depending on the rule(s) broken

  • STAGE ONE (Disruptive Behaviour) – verbal warning and written report to an agent in the home country to be forwarded to parents in the home country.

  • STAGE TWO (Severely Disruptive Behaviour or 2nd Disruptive Behaviours)) – Written Behaviour Agreement and meeting with Program Director/Manager and school administrator, if applicable.

  • STAGE THREE (Severely Disruptive Behaviour or illegal activity) – Student returned to home country.
NSISP with KW Edu

803 Autumn Willow Dr
Waterloo, ON N2V 0C3


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NSISP with KW Edu Consulting

Great Tiger Inc

803 Autumn Willow Dr

Waterloo, ON N2V 0C3



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